The crisis of democracy - why your choices matter not
Let me begin today with a few questions. Are you satisfied with contemporary politic? Do you think politicians do enough in the best interest of citizens, are they doing enough to defend your rights? Then, why don't we change your vote? Why won't we elect someone more effective, more honest, more in line with what we ask from our government? Truth is that we already do that, many times. And yet, little actually changes. Why is it so? What is able to neutralize the impact of our choices and ultimately make them irrelevant? We live in time of crisis and excess, each of them aliments the other. Our society is becoming more rigid, less liberal. We are suffocating ourselves with pervasive burocracy, oppressing taxation, misregulated welfare, and so on. We are witnessing the transformation of our society, from a State serving its people to people serving their State. Now, the balance between the State's collective interests and the fundamental freedoms of each in...