Our reality is fiction - what do the media build around us?

The world is huge, full of people scattered everywhere, even in distant places. Still, it is our pleasure to know and learn what happens throughout the globe, be it in the near city or in the farthest continent across two oceans. How do we manage so? 1) here news were altered to cover the responsibilities of the US Administration - in particular of the then Secreatery of State Hillary Clinton The answer is that we get news. We read them, we hear them, we see them. Nowadays information is pervasive and goes all around very fast. And yet, is such information objective? Are we seeing the world as it truly is, or is the image we get somehow distorted? Of course, when someone else is making you see through their eyes, when someone is speaking news to you, the information is subject to changes. It is like light passing through a set of lenses, it gets deformed, maybe filtered. It is one of the issues we encounter whenever we try ...