How and why the West supports Muslim extremists – a double-edge sword
First of all, happy New Year everyone. Unfortunately, we closed our 2017 fearing terror attacks. It has not been the first year this happens. Then let us ask ourselves: are Muslim extremists a threat? The honest answer is yes . After the 9/11/2001, in theory the War on Terror was an attempt to answer some of the actions they inspired and carried out. However, the War lead to even more instability in the Middle East and in the world at large. Something did not work out. How? Why? Was - and is - the West really serious and dedicated to fight and counter Muslim extremists? Muslim integralists' communities in Western cities First, let's consider what happens in our own cities. There are many communities inspired to fundamentalist teachings of the Quran all through Western countries. These communities are tolerated to varying degrees. They are Muslim enclaves in W...