How to take on Russia via Syria - why did Russia become an obsession?

The Syrian Civil War ending... and then what? from the-briefing-why-syria-matters/ In Syria, the battle for Idlib - until now occupied by terrorists affiliated and related to Al-Qaeda - is imminent. Other territories controlled by rebels - 'moderate' or not - are few and isolated. Kurds are negotiating with Assad and will likely see recognized part of the autonomy they ask, if Syria territorial integrity will be reconstituted. All in all, the war in Syria is coming to its conclusion - and the USA-led Coalition can't do much to hinder that, as we prefigured . So, is it almost done? Or do we have to expect other crisis and possibly escalations before we can call the conflict off? Of course, in a future perspective, one major issue will be Israel attitude - along with the ones of Saudi Arabia and Turkey on the backsides. Relationships between Israel and Syria will be difficult to normalize without finding a compromise over th...