8 - Anatomy, physiology and pathology of the State - kidneys
And here is another piece in our series - our puzzle of how a State would look like if it was a human body. We last talked about about lungs as investments , bringing money in the system; and before that, we compared blood to money and the heart to trade . A major player in regulating blood homeostasis is the kidney. What would a good equivalent be in a State? Let us unravel it. Anatomy - Kidneys filter blood as Central Banks check on finance and economy from Johnson MD, Human Biology, Concepts and Current Issues, 7th Edition; the Urinary System [https://slideplayer.com/slide/6204959/] Kindeys are remarkable organs. Their functional unit is the nephron, made of the glomerulus, the Bowman's capsule and the renal tubule. The filtration process is carried by the glomerulus, with an arteriole that enters and divides to form a net of capillaries. Those then recompose themselves in another arteriole which exits the glomerul...