BlackGrowth - a blog on understated geopolitic, why and why now?

Hi all.

Welcome to BlackGrowth. It is called so because of the dark things and aspects developing out of our society, things and aspects I want to analyze and comment.

My main thesis is that politic, society and psychology are deeply intertwined. They depend on each other and concur in molding the functioning of our world. I will mainly focus on how this relates to the geopolitical, economical and strategic issues we can observe at present (and near future) times. In parallel, I will treat how our world evolved such integrated mechanisms by evidencing fundamental parallelisms with other historical instances.
I also have keen interests in other themes, such as bioetic, so by chance you may catch me divagating a bit. Life is hard.
Briefly, my goal is to make this space our window on our contemporary geopolitical situation.
See you soon.


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